Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971


Spelling Progression at Great Wood  

Children at Great Wood participate in regular spelling lessons. Spelling is taught through phonics sessions, initially, as the children develop their understanding of the alphabetic code, recognising which letters correspond with which sounds and when these are likely to be used. 




Once children have concluded phonics lessons, spelling is taught
through discrete spelling lessons which follow a structured sequence. The progression document (link above) outlines the spelling skills covered in each year group. Children continue to practise and apply the knowledge taught in phonics to spell words but alongside this, they start to explore the role of morphology (word structure), orthography (spelling structure) and etymology (the history of a word).


Parents may be interested to know the taught spelling rules which can be used to support your children when they are practising their spellings at home. They are organised in the year group that they are introduced and initially tested at school. However, regular review of previous years’ spelling rules are helpful for children to be able to use them in day-to-day writing. Therefore, parents are encouraged to look at previous year groups’ spelling rules, too. They can be found by clicking on the link for your child’s year group below:

Year 1 – Top tips for spelling     Year 2 – Top tips for spelling          Year 3 – Top tips for spelling 
Year 4 – Top tips for spelling     Year 5 – Top tips for spelling          Year 6 – Top tips for spelling
Other top tips for spelling