Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971


Science at Great Wood

At Great Wood, all children are encouraged to learn about the world
around them through the eyes of a scientist. We seek to inspire, excite and develop a sense of curiosity about scientific processes as well as explore the impact that scientific discoveries have on our place in the world.

Throughout our curriculum, children develop a schema of scientific knowledge and a conceptual understanding of natural phenomenon. Teachers provide children with the opportunities to gather new knowledge through the fields of biology, chemistry and physics. In EYFS and Key Stage 1, children are encouraged to observe their immediate surroundings; be curious and ask questions about what they notice; notice patterns in the natural and humanly- constructed world and classify things through careful comparisons. Through practical and first- hand experiences, children at Great Wood build solid foundations of knowledge. In Key Stage 2, our pupils broaden their scientific view and begin to develop ideas about relationships between living things and familiar environments as well as functions, interactions, and relationships between things. Gradually, we introduce more abstract scientific concepts and a wide range of scientific ideas. Our science lessons allow our pupils to begin to understand and predict how the world operates. At every stage of their learning, we encourage independent thinking and build opportunities which allow children as much as possible to discover things themselves and come to their own conclusions about their findings.

Through practical experiences, Great Wood pupils build on their skills as a ‘scientist’ in order to answer scientific questions. In each unit of study, we incorporate opportunities for children to develop their “working scientifically skills” by performing scientific enquiries, pattern seeking investigations or comparative and fair tests. We place a huge importance on the skills of predicting what will happen; observing closely what they see; questioning and being curious; researching new concepts, planning and testing investigations, using scientific equipment, communicating results and considering their findings.


The aims of Great Wood’s Science Curriculum

Science Key Learning      Science Topics School Overview