Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971


PE and Physical Activity.

Physical Education (PE) is a vital part of the Great Wood curriculum enabling all children to recognise the importance of exercise for boosting mental wellbeing and personal resilience and become physically confident individuals. We aim for all children to develop the life skills and values needed to lead healthy and active lives. As well as PE improving motor skills and increasing muscular strength, which in turn is likely to lead to greater engagement in healthy activity outside of school, children learn to navigate complex social situations and nurture their emotional development.

PE Lessons:

We strive to deliver a high-quality PE curriculum inspiring all pupils to succeed in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities for sustained periods of time, and where possible, excel. During lessons, there is a focus on the development of fundamental movement skills alongside healthy competition. In school, the children have the opportunity to take part in intra-school competitions, allowing them to exhibit and hone their skills within a range of sports, recognising their own and others success.

PE Enrichment:

At Great Wood, our children are given the chance to take part in an abundance of enrichment sporting opportunities. These allow pupils to be physically active, acquire new skills and develop a passion for leading a healthy and active life. Enrichment activities currently include: Bike Safety, Mindfulness and Yoga, Skipping Workshops, Judo, Dodgeball, Gymnastics, Athletics, Multi-skills, Boccia, High-Intensity-Interval-Training, Tri-Golf and Cross-Curricular Orienteering. 

Outdoor Adventurous Activities:

OAA provision is provided through:

Lessons (Orienteering, Team Building and The Great Outdoors)

OAA days (Y4 and Y5 Kayaking, Canoeing and Team Challenges.

Walking Curriculum (Annual walk designed to develop stamina, resilience, team work and a growing sense of locality whilst incorporating incidental connections to learning across the curriculum)

Residential Year 6 visit Tower Wood, Windermere to participate in a range of adventurous activities. In addition to learning skills such as; paddle boarding, climbing, hiking, kayaking and canoeing the experience provides pupils with the opportunity to develop self-confidence, independence and resilience.

The residential encourages children to take risks in a safe, controlled environment and collaboratively to develop effective team work skills. We actively encourage children to embrace each new challenge during the week and celebrate individual and group success.

Break, Lunchtime, After School and Competitions:

We encourage our children to be active at break and lunch times by providing equipment and teaching playground games such as four-square, jump rope, piggy in the middle and hopscotch. During the drier months, children also have access to our outdoor adventure playground that offers further opportunities for active play.

The staff at Great Wood, alongside external providers, offer a wealth of opportunities for children to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. These sessions build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. Several of our extra-curricular activities lead to inter-school sporting competitions with other local schools to provide the children with the opportunity to demonstrate their sporting ability and sporting values at the highest possible level.









Sports Day:

Sports day takes place on an annually basis,
celebrating the success of all pupils and showcasing their sportsmanship. Children work as a team, within an inclusive and fair environment, competing against each other, in the hope to gain points towards a collective goal for their house team. Children have the opportunity to demonstrate the skills and values they have learnt throughout the year in a variety of different sporting events.

PE Whole School Overview     PE Curriculum Progression    PE Key Learning Progress  

PE Whole School Overview.