Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971

Assessment and Reporting

Children are continually being assessed by class teachers when they observe them and mark their work. This enables them to plan appropriate work to meet their needs and challenge all children.

In the reception class, a learning journey is completed for each child throughout the year to track progress and celebrate their achievements. These are shared with parents throughout the year.

Tests and teacher assessments give us the opportunity to track children’s progress and potential and set individual targets for them. Schools are required to administer a series of statutory tests:

It is very important that children in Y2 & 6 are in school during May when the tests take place.

Test results only ever give a snapshot picture of a child’s achievements. The information in the annual report, which you receive at the end of the summer term, gives you a more complete understanding of strengths, progress, effort and what your child needs to do next to improve.

We provide formal opportunities for you to meet with the class teacher in the autumn and spring terms, when you can discuss your child’s behaviour, academic progress and the next steps in their learning.

Please remember that any time, if you want to talk to someone, you can make an appointment to see the class teacher, the SEND Co-ordinator, a senior leader or the Headteacher.