Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971

Health and Medical

School Nurse  Information 

Link to Health Policies, Information and Forms       
School Nursing            Privacy Notice     
LCC HNA Privacy Notice for School Nursing Services

The school nurse can offer support, advice and guidance regarding your child’s physical and emotional health, e.g. toilet training, sleep routines and healthy eating. If required the school nurse can make referrals to other agencies such as the community pædiatrician, audiology, orthoptist, speech therapist and voluntary agencies. The School Nurse can meet at school to discuss children’s health needs.

You can contact the School Nursing Team on 0300 247 0040 or by sending a Request for Support form (attached)  to or contact ChatHealth (11- 19yrs) by Text: 0750 733 0510.

You can also visit us for help, support and advice via website:

To speak to the nurse or arrange an appointment please email, or ring 03002470040 option2; a message can be left and you will be contacted.

Within the first couple of weeks of your child starting school a health reception pack will be issued containing useful leaflets and information. This will also contain a health questionnaire which needs to be completed and returned in the envelope provided to the school nurse. Once signed this provides consent for the school nurse to continue with development checks such as a height and weight and vision checks. You will be informed of all recordings and the nurse will contact you if there are any concerns.

Children can access the Chat Health Service by texting 07507330510. Work hours Monday-Friday.


Please do not send children to school if they are obviously unwell. Sick pupils do not benefit from being at school and put others at risk of infection. Please use the following guidelines and put your child’s health first.

Guidance_on_infection_control_in schools_poster
Is my child too ill for school information

On occasion children become unwell during school time and we will contact parents or the emergency contact person so that the child can be taken home. In case of minor accidents or illness where it seems inappropriate for the child to be sent home, or where we have been unable to contact the parent or emergency contact person, we will send home a note explaining the nature of the illness or accident. The school does have a number of staff trained as first aiders and in serious cases of accident or illness a member of staff will take a child directly to hospital.


Some pupils may have extreme allergies to peanuts. This includes any food that contains peanuts, peanut oil or other nut additives. These anaphylactic allergies can be so severe that proximity to such a product can be life threatening. We believe that prevention is the best approach. Therefore, we request that parents refrain from sending any such food products to school for lunches and snacks. In the interest of safety, pupils are asked to not to share their food with others. We inform parents before pupils eat as part of the curriculum and any birthday treats are distributed at the end of the school day so that parents can decide if they are allowed.

During Key Stage One the School Nurse attends school to carry out developmental tests and eye tests.
Parents are reminded that it is their own responsibility to check for head lice, threadworms etc. on a regular basis.

Information on Asthma for parents

Video tutorials on how to use an inhaler

 No smoking policy – Smoking is not allowed on any part of the school premises at any time.