Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971

Parent Workshops

Heathy Relationships Course    Click link for full size

Free Online courses for Parents/ Carers

Visit the OnePlusOne parents website, select Lancashire and create an account.

Arguing better – Disagreements are a normal part of life. How you approach them can make all the difference to you, your partner, and your children.

Me, you and baby too (for new parents) – Navigate the changes that happen in a relationship when a baby arrives

Getting it right for children (for separating parents) – When parents are separating or separated, children can often get caught in the middle.


The links below are previous parent workshops that have been delivered by Mrs Dewhirst and
Mel Satterthwaite from Barnardo’s. 
Parent help document – Building Resilience

The Teenage Brain summary (1)

The Teenage Brain – Presentation for Parents

My Child is Anxious Workshop
