Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971

New Starters

Some important dates for new starters – Sept 2023

Following  school allocations being announced  in April, a welcome email will be sent to all new families confirming the induction process.

The EYFS team will email further information in May.

There is already a meet the teacher day booked in for Monday 19th June when families will be asked to make an appointment and come in to school. 

Uniform requirements
Lunchtime in Reception
Sunrise & Sunset Club leaflet 

Some useful links for starting school

Activities for helping develop communication skills 

Resources to support developing communication skills through talking, playing and reading.

Some simple, fun activities to do together with your child

Getting ready to start school – advice from Lancashire County Council