Admissions Information for Parents 2023 24
The choice of school for your child is an important decision. We at Great Wood would encourage you to visit the school during the working day so that you can view the school in action and talk to staff to help you to make a judgement about whether it is an appropriate school for your child. Three Open Mornings are held each year with Y6 pupils taking visitors on a tour of the school and answering questions. The Headteacher also welcomes visitors at other times. Parents of children with special needs or disabilities are encouraged to discuss with us how Great Wood can best meet their child`s needs. Visiting the school`s website and Facebook page can provide an insight into life at the school. Don’t be afraid to ask current parents for their views.
Children may start school at the beginning of the school year in which they celebrate their fifth birthday. The application process for entry into Reception is handled by the Area Pupil Access Team (01524 581148) based in Lancaster. Parents can register their interest in a place with the school although this does not change the process. Information, including the application form, can be found on line at Regulations allow parents to appeal against a decision not to offer a place at their preferred school.
LCC Appeals process
For entry into other years, parents also contact the Area Pupil Access Team; it is simple if the school has a place. If the school is oversubscribed in a year group, the following criteria will be applied in priority order:
i. Children in public care who are in public care at the time when preferences are expressed and will still be in public care when admitted to the school
ii. Children with older brothers and sisters who will still be attending the school when the younger child starts, then
iii. Children for whom the County Council accepts there are exceptionally strong medical, social or welfare reasons for admissions, which are directly relevant to the school,
iv. The remaining places are allocated according to where children live. Those living nearest to the school by a walking route recognised by the Local Authority will have priority. Brothers and sisters include step-children, half brothers and sisters, adopted and fostered children who are living at the same address. (Consideration may be given to applying the sibling rule for full brothers and sisters only when they reside at different addresses.)
v. If category i, ii or iii is oversubscribed, category iv will be used as a tie break.
A transition process includes teacher visits to nurseries, children visiting reception twice in the summer term and then a staggered start at the beginning of the year for a maximum of ten days. Parents visit the school and can schedule a personal transition meeting with the class teacher.
Pupils Moving To Great Wood from Another School
The Area North Access Team will admit pupils moving into the area into Great Wood if there is room available in the particular year group. They will also will place pupils moving from other local schools An application form has to be completed in both cases. Please contact the Access Team for advice (01524 581148). In the event of a year group being full, the Local Education Authority will offer a place at the next nearest school with space available. Parents, however, do have the right of appeal if they are not offered a place at their preferred school. The local authority has the right to place pupils who meet Fair Access Protocol criteria into a school.