Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971


We aim for all our children to love learning about the past, how things have changed over time and why; how we know and how this knowledge and our skills as historians can help us reflect on life today and consider the future.

Through their time at Great Wood, children develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Teachers inspire pupils’ curiosity to learn more about the past and equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement.  
History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.

At Great Wood, we want every child to become an inquisitive and enthusiastic historian. From EYFS, children become familiar with historical vocabulary and develop their understanding of the past. They explore what life was like for their family members and their local area through stories and photographs. During each history unit in KS1 and KS2, pupils use their knowledge and understanding to consider a key enquiry question. These encompass a wide range of concepts including: equality; change and continuity; invasion and civilisation, and are the focus of discussion and debate within some lessons. Throughout the history curriculum, teachers aim to embed Great Wood’s key drivers for learning; crucial life skills for a developing historian. Teachers work collaboratively to ensure knowledge and historical skills are progressive and links are made to previous learning. An understanding of how we know about the past and critically interpret evidence is developed throughout the programmes of study. 
Children also develop a sense of chronology, placing significant people, events and periods of history on a timeline. The history curriculum at Great Wood aims to challenge stereotypes and bias and to be culturally diverse.

At Great Wood, we aim to bring history alive and make it relevant. Immersive ‘wow’ sessions hook children into their learning, with children regularly experiencing educational visits and visitors. Meaningful links are made across the curriculum; for example, the exploration of maps during a unit on Ancient Egypt, with children examining the position of the River Nile.




We place a huge importance on local history and plan carefully to make links to our locality; we think about how the Victorian era impacted Morecambe and how Lancaster Castle has changed over time.

History Whole School Overview Spring  2022

History Key Learning Spring 2022