Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971

Values & Global Values

Values Planning              Global Values Plan 23-24 and 24-25

To further address points on our Mission Statement,  support cross curricular links with the Geography Curriculum and develop understanding of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our Values Curriculum has been revised and updated.

2023 – 2024 Month 2024 – 2025
Compassion September Kindness
Understanding October Forgiveness
Thoughtfulness November Responsibility
Hope December Happiness
Respect January Trust
Equality February Courage
Humility March Tolerance
Acceptance April Courtesy
Patience May Loyalty
Independence June Honesty
Cooperation July Empathy

Values Curriculum

We have had a well-established Values Curriculum which is referenced throughout our PSHEC Curriculum. We explore a different Value each month over a two year cycle. The Values are illustrated and explored through children’s literature, historical and current events, film, discussion and drama in assemblies and class. Staff refer to them when speaking to children about their behaviour and attitude to learning. At the end of the half term, a class writes and present an assembly to parents and the whole school to show how they use the Value and how it helps them to ‘aim high and make a difference’.

How did we decide on these values?

After consultation with children, staff, parents and others, a list of 22 values that were considered important was drawn up, one to be addressed specifically each month, whilst recalling those already covered and noticing how they often overlap. Over the past four years, the children have responded very well, noticing incidents that show the values they have learnt and practising the values during the school day.
Values are the: