Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971

Online Safety week

We organise an Online Safety Week annually which coincides with Safer Internet Day (usually the second week in February). During the week, all children learn about how to use technology responsibly and stay safe online. In KS2, children learn how to keep themselves safe from sexual abuse and exploitation by developing skills in identifying and avoiding risk, learning how best to protect themselves and their friends and knowing how to get support and report abuse if they do encounter difficulties. All topics have been clearly mapped out to ensure that sensitive topics are taught in a sensitive and age appropriate way with clear progression.


The cartoon follows the adventures of two children – ‘Lee and Kim’ – who are playing an online game on a computer where they meet several animals. Children will learn to:

Year 1 and 2

In Years 1 & 2 children are introduced to Hector the dolphin and his underwater friends through a number of short cartoons. Children will learn to:

In Years 3 to 6, children use a range of resources during Online Safety Week and in their Computing lessons throughout the year. Pupils will learn to:

If you would like more information, then this can be found on our website: 

Click on Curriculum and then Online Safety.

Alternatively, you can contact Mr Ross by email (  or make an appointment with the school office if you have any questions or wish to see the resource we use.

Additional information and resources

Every child receives a copy of ‘Your child’s online world – a guide for parents’. Children in KS2 also take home a copy of ‘A parents’ guide to being Share Aware’. These booklets have been written by the NSPCC and O2.

For advice and support on setting up parental controls, adjusting, privacy settings, understanding social networks and more, visit  or call 0808 800 5002

We work closely with the NSPCC in school who deliver assemblies to KS1 and KS2. Children in Years 5 & 6 also take part in a workshop and parent sessions are organised annually.

Schools have an important role in teaching children to protect themselves from all kinds of abuse, including online abuse and our annual Online Safety Week is one part of our approach to keeping children safe online.

Many thanks for your continued support.