Great Wood School

"Aim high... and make a difference"

Beaufort Road, Morecambe, LA4 6UB
01524 416971

Challenge Videos

Cuppa Tea Challenge letter    It’s easy to put a link to your video on FB, but not from Messenger.  Cuppa Tea Challenge introduction Main Video

Children’s challenges:    Ellie-May,  Amy & Kate, PoppyEvanBella, Daisy, Alice,   Isobel, Hattie, Freddie & Archie,   Ted,  Lucy   George H,     Frank,  Isabelle,  Rory,  Boy T,  Theo,  Aimee,  Oliver,  Emily C,  ConnieArchie E,  Isaac & Libby,   Jasmine,  hot tub boys,  target boys,  Emily,  Fin & Connor, Max,  George,  Jacob,   ElliotHenry,  Train Boys,  Eloise,    Amelia N, Amelia’s sister,  Max, Sienna,   Isaac Darce, paddling pool boys